How do I get over my mom & dad divorcing?

My last question answers why they split. Actually, my dad left. I don’t know if they “divorced” or not. But anyways, all I’ve been doing is crying. My dad feels really embarrassed of what he did, & I still love him & always will. My dad doesn’t have his cell phone, so I can’t call him. What are some good things to do to get my mind off of this? PS; Can you pray for my family? Thanks.

Answer #1

My parents are divorved, I know how you feel. Do the things you like and try to spend time with your friends. Start keeping a journal to write your feeling down. Share you feelings with your mom. And as soon as you can share them with you dad too. Smile. Its hard to cry with a smile on your face.

Answer #2

you should try to do some new things sports, music, try new things. Write. Anything. Just rember that what ever happens is not your fault.

Every thing happens for a reason.

If you need anymore adivce or just want to talk about the divorcing just funmail me. ( and I will pray =) )

Answer #3

Learn from there mistakes and trust your instincts were all human and we will all make mistakes. You’re parents love you, and this is not your fault. This kinda thing happens because you’re parents just seem to have a hard time dealing with eachother. I mean love is a hard thing to endure its not an easy task so take note of that also.

It takes more then love to make a marriage work, it also takes commitment, faithfulness, some finacial aids to take care of the billings that come in. What you need to do is really go for what you want to do in life, dont worry about you’re parents because you love them as much as they love you. Go and make your dreams come true go out and be somebody.

Answer #4

First …your Dad and Mom love you very much. Talk to your Mom and let her know that you would like to see your Dad…she may know how to reach him. You mentioned pray for you…lots of churches have people you can talk to…or an older person you can trust… the main thing is for you not to keep your feeling inside and deal with it.

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