How do I get over him

Well I told the guy I liked that I liked him and he told me that he wasnt over his ex yet and I asked if we ever had a chance and he said maybe. Well its been a mounth and a half since I told him and my friend said why dont you tell him again well I did and he said look I dont want to hurt your feelings I really dont but I dont feel that way about you I just want to be really good friends with u. I asked if we have a chance he said no. How do I get over him. I dont want things to get akward between us. What do I do!!!

Answer #1

Try loving yourself, why would you want a relationship with someone who’s not attractive to you? He’s a good man by saying no so, try being a better woman by walking away. One day you will thank him for saying no. Now focus on you until Mr. Right comes alone.

Answer #2

Well for starters, don’t bring it up to him anymore. As long as you quit talking about it the more it will start to go away and maybe take a step back from him for a whole minute so you can calm down emotionally.

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