How do I get my x-bestfriend 2 b my bestfriend again?

My x-bestfriend we dont speak any more cause she went away and changed completly towards me, I’ll call it “rich and switch” meaning when someone goes away and 4 get who were there friend and where they com from…she said I changed which I didnt I called and txt her like everyday I even go so far as 2 send money 4 her when she needed it and every thing that she asked me for I give her with a clean heart now am like no-one 2 her it hurts sometimes when I think about it…slow but surely am trying to forget about her, only thing is I can’t…what should I do?

Answer #1

It seems to me like the two of you have just grown apart. It happens, you know? As we grow up, everything around us changes. And you know what? It’s normal. I know I change a lot.

In any case, I think the two of you need to do one of two things. Either you need to discuss this calmly and work out a way to be friends, or you need to let go and keep moving on in life. I’d prefer the first option, so I’ll give you some tips.

1.) Talk to your friend about this all AGAIN using I language. (I feel, I think, I know, I want) 2.) Express yourself clearly. If you want to say something, say it. 3.) Don’t blame her or make negative comments. (Saying that she has changed is one of the huge NO factors. People aren’t reasonable when they feel attacked.) 4.) Say SORRY. It’s tough, but a good way to resolve negative feelings. 5.) Make plans. Whether you go out for coffee or do something small every now and then, find a way to spend quality time together to reconnect. 6.) Connect more. Don’t be overbearing with calls or texts, but call her maybe once every two to three days to have a good conversation. Talk about the things that really matter. Don’t talk about any sore subjects.

In any case, I hope you and your friend can work on this.

Take care.

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