How do I get my parents to get me a chinchilla?

I’ve been asking my parents for a long time. I’ve done a ton of research and do chores every day. on my last report card I got straight Bs (pretty good for me) and im prepared to take good care of it for 20 years. but they wont let me get it! I really need help, cause my parents can be really stubborn.

Answer #1

get down on your knees and beg.

Answer #2
  1. Do NOT beg that will annoy them and make them definetly say no! 2. save up money so you can atleast pay half for the chin and the suplies. your parents responcebility.4.learn a lot about the chinchillas and every now and then tell them a fact or say all the facts all at the same time. This plan might might take a while but soon you will have your furry little friend!!!:)
Answer #3

OK, Well don’t keep asking them over and over because this will obviously annoy them, causing them to say No every time. Take it slow, first, make your parents feel like like they can trust you with a pet, as Chinchilla’s can be quite hard to look after, I got a dog by asking them every month but by also earning myy trust such as: Cooking for myself, walking every day (round the block or more) to make them get the idea you can get off your butt and look after your Chinchilla properly, not sleeping in! This may be hard, but if you want to earn your trust, don’t sleep in, that may mean if your Chinchilla all of a sudden needs feeding, you can just go over to it and feed it, sleeping in while it starves is NOT a good idea. Keep this up and give local promises to your parents, telling them you’ll promise to do something and if they say, No, we don’t believe you, then show them! do it! no matter what, you want that Chinchilla! Hope I helped and Good Luck!

Answer #4

Well, first of all, you can’t just get ONE chinchilla! They get very lonely very easily. So, you’d have to get two. Their pretty expensive-which is why your parents are saying no to getting one. You shouldn’t keep asking, or else they’ll definatly not let you get one. Maybe, if you start out with a easier pet, like a fish (Yeah, boring, but once they see you take good care of an easy pet they’ll let you take it to the next level chinchillaa!) and once they see that you’ve properly fed it each day, cleaned out its tank, and etc, they will gain more and more trust in you. Soon enough, you’ll get to have your sweet, adoreable lil chinchillas! :) I hope this helped! -courtney maria

Answer #5

Because they can be quite expensive, up to like £100 pound, each! You’ll need two because otherwise they’ll get lonely. So, it can be quite costly to buy them and look after them. They may not have the money.

Answer #6

Well… as in the answers they are expanisive. Check were you can get them locally and find away to earn money. That will show responsiblty, and that you can pay for food from time to time. It may take a while, but in the end it will be wroth it! Good luck,


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