How do I get my mom to let me do more?

UGH ok, so I’ve liek died my hair a lot, but she wants it my normal color, shes making me take out all my peircings, I cant go to the city nomore, I cant go anywhere anymore, she has me living in the ghetto; where everyone hates me, and she doesnt let me do anything, WTF how do I get her to let me do more, bc if I don’t im gunna fall apart!! I cant wait till im 18 !

Answer #1

Well then then is too bad…

Not to be man or anathing but you can live without a piercing… its not something that will kill you, you can also live with having your natural hair color and everything is not like you’ll dies or something horrable will happen. We all have a moment when we are living in a place we don’t like, I myself had many of those but you know what I survieved. As long as your living with your mom you gatta follow her rules. And who knows meavy something good will come out of this? We all have to do things we don’t want to and that at the moment we think that our life is going to be over. But you know what we survive.

Also, If you don’t feel welcomed there, then that I would talk to your mom about and you know meaby she can contact some perents about how their kids are acting… But that EVERYBODY there hates you? I don’t think so.

Answer #2

But I fucking hate it ! Im 14 and I’ve lived here abt my whiole fucking life. Im so sick of it ! Im glad someone out there knows how I feel..

Answer #3

Honestly, pretty much yeah. You dont even know, im not racist but im liek the only white girl out ehre; and everyone taunts me and shit I stand up for mysellf all the fucking time and im sick of fighting people, and my mom wont help me outta the situation !

Answer #4

Achually I do know. I use to live in a ghetto place, and I use to get hit, and pushed around, and I went to school with them and once I even got my arm brocken by one of the boys, and I was the only white girl there you know and it was painful, I lived there for almost 8 years. And I Survived. And to say my perents are not soportive at ALL. And they still aren’t. Everybody goes trough someplace where they aren’t going to get accepted, and yeah someties we are fighting on our own.

Answer #5

I have and she just doesnt like the idea. The other place isnt bad, and I get allongg with EVERYONE out there but she doesnt trust me, she thinks im doing drugs or drinking The worst thing I would do out there is smoke squares. UGH shes pissing me off..

Answer #6

You’re your own person, and you may do something that she doesn’t like, but that’s not really her choice for you to not be your own person. Talk to her, and tell her that you are. Tell her that if she can’t trust you, then she’s just ruining your life by not letting you have your own freedom.. I hope this helps somewhat..


Answer #7

At this point, she is your mom and she is “your boss”. It sucks, I know, but you really should just talk to her about the kids where you live. Other than that, piercings and hair dye are not that important. I was not allowed to even have my ears pierced until I was 13..was not allowed to dye my hair until I was 17. I did once anyway and I paid for it. I was grounded all summer. Maybe the reason she doesn’t want you going out is because you live the so called “ghetto”. Maybe she knows the kids there are not so good to be around. Look at things from her side, she is trying to keep you safe. Really no parent enjoys making their kids life miserable. If they do enjoy it, then they are not a parent. In short, trust your mom, I’m sure she seems like she is being a major b*tch to you, but she is just being a protective mom. Good Luck to you.

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