How do I get my hair to poof?

Okay. I rllyy love scene hair. I am scene but my hairs really shorrt and its gradually growing. But I cant get it to be like those sexy a** girls get theirs…omg. I want my hair like that because its so frikkn sexy and my boyfriend might turn into one too if he sees it a lot because he likes it…I want him to be emo sceney haha! But I need help because I can never get it all sexified and all…please help meh.

Answer #1

haha yer your right use hsair externtions because your hair is to shourt to have”scene” at the moment (god I hate ladbles!! :D

Answer #2

*put hair GEL in your hands

Answer #3

Use Aveda’s Hair Potion. It comes out in powder form then changes into a liquid as you work it in. Add this then backcomb and I guarantee you will have big sexy hair

Answer #4

you have to use a lot of hair spray. then you tese it a lot! then poof

Answer #5

haha! I got it!!! omg and I’m getin extentions soon too haha! gettin like…I don’t or somethin? black? I don’t know…raccoon tails!!! blue and blonde! omg!!!

Answer #6

you have totease your hair up I learned how to do mine bye searching how to style scene hair on you tube

and they show you how and if its too short you could get the clip on extensions

I <3 scenehair :)

Answer #7

teasing or backcombing is what you do get a section of hair, start near your crown and comb backwards towards the roots starting for about 1 quarter down your hair backcomb the same section a few times and use hairspray to keep it in place also try to remember majority of those “scene” girls are photoshoped and dont look that “perfect” or “flawless” in real life

Answer #8

don’t tease you hair. that’s stupid. instead, use a hairdryer to lift your roots, then put hair on your hands, rub it around, and poof you hair up. that’s what I do, and it works great. :]

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