How do I get him?

Im totally in love with this guy. But hes going out with my bestfriend. But he seems to arugue with her and get along with me really well. I love him so much I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I have a feeling he might like me tho He said to me- I dont think we have a future together (to me about her)

Hes toally of limits but hes AMAZING TO ME!

What do I do :(??

Answer #1

Honestly dont’ make a move. … Never go after a friends man… even if they break up .. it might blow up in your face later. She may accuse you of going after him all along and then blame you for all their problems. Sadly, move on.. It is best.

Answer #2

…Y…O…U… …D…O… …N…O…T…H…I…N…G…

You don’t love him, you’re infatuated, there IS a difference.

Your infatuation is unhealthy, selfish, and will jeopardize your friendship with his current girlfriend (your supposed BEST friend). Which means you are a pretty lousy friend for even consindering such a thing. Bottom line: He has a girlfriend, so HE’S OFF LIMITS. Leave him alone, move on.

P.S. – You already asked this question. The answer hasn’t changed.

Answer #3

Wait a bit. If their relationship is going badly, then it’ll end in a little while. Be his friend and become really close so that he’ll know who to turn to after the guy and your friend break up. Tell your friend that you’re really sorry and if she was a good friend…she’d be happy for you.

Or maybe after your friend and the dude break up, talk to your friend about it and see what she has to say.

Good Luck CM x

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