How do I get a boyfriend?

I’m 15 and I’m a sophomore; and most people my age have already had a boyfriend. I feel like there’s something wrong with me because I haven’t. Maybe my standards are too high; several guys have asked me out before and I said no to all of them because I didn’t like them. Only guys I don’t like like me. And the guys I do like don’t like me at all. seriously, the guys that ask me out are like super undesirable. I’m not snotty I swear, though this makes me sound like it. They’re not funny, or cute. (well, okay 2 of them were cute, but one is scary and the other one is too serius)


Answer #1

Your 15… you have plenty of time. I know that doesn’t make you feel any better but honestly not many of them work out at 15. I know that doesn’t end the desire to have one though. I’m 19 and never had a boyfriend, never was asked to a dance, never was kissed, nothing… ( I was asked out by some really bad ones too… and said no) it’s embarrassing I know how you feel. I’m going to say this though… hang in there. I’m in college and I just told this guy that I liked him and he told me he liked me back!!! That was a huge step for me to take because I never had any experience but you know… I don’t regret any of it. It will happen for you… there is someone out there for everyone. It just takes a few of us longer to find them, think of it this way…LOL… we find eachother when we are ready to handle eachother. Its amazing how it works… I had just stopped looking for it and focused on my studies and it fell right in my lap. So focus on school, have fun with your friends, and let it find you. “Never frown because you never know who could be falling in love with your smile.” Thats what I go by… take care… and good luck.

Answer #2

You’ll never get to know a person if you keep turning them away. First impressions don’t have to be lasting impressions.

Try saying yes once in awhile. Once you’re on good terms with a boy, you’ll probably find he has a lot more to offer than what you’re seeing on the outside.

Give someone a chance :-)

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