how do I get this guy to like me?

so he likes someone else but he is like me he is shy wants to fit in qiete most of the time smart genouros weird athletic and thoe I am not a blonde he is one and I love blondes how do I get him to like me?

Answer #1

You cant make someone like you - they either do or they don’t. If he likes someone else then it would be best to back off away from him, let him choose who he wants. You could tell him how you feel unless him and the other girl are already dating.

Answer #2

I had a hard time reading your question so please use sentences and grammer next time :)

So you want this guy to like you but he likes someone else?

Well all I can say is never try to be something your not like even though he likes the athletic and blonde type. Just stay who you are and don’t change just so you fit into his ‘type’ of girl. Also smile a lot because guys love it when a girl is confident and not sad. Just try talking to him and remember don’t lower any of your standards for a guy.

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