how do I convince my girl to havesex with me

how do I get my girl to have sex with me how do I turn her on enough to get horny

Answer #1

You don’t ‘convince’ her… SHE should decide when SHE is ready to take that step.

Answer #2

ummm… touch her… everywhere! and like kiss her everywhere… lean against her…

Answer #3

You should try to read their mind and talk with her frnds that what she thought about you

Answer #4

Talk to her about it. Get info on her thoughts about it. When she’s ready too, she’ll tell you. Don’t rush into it.

Hope I helped :)

Answer #5

Talk to her about it and when she feels comfortable in having sex with you, then turn her on by exploring her all over and kissing her. Don’t try to convince her, just talk it over with her and get her thoughts and opinions on the subject. Then you can see if she’s ready or not.

Answer #6

You don’t convince her - you wait until she’s ready and she wants to. And your over 16 and have been together over 6 months.

Answer #7

I dont even hear the sound of “love” in your words! boyinlove >I dont think so! Love is patient ~ it is not self-seeking*

Answer #8

touch her boobs…kiss her legs and work your way in! look up licking puss* on the interntet… x

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