How do I convince him to understand me?

I am meeting up with my ex tonight and we were and our way to getting back together then yesterday I kinda created an arguement and he just flipped at me and told me he never wanted to speak to me again and that I was to stay out his life and he wants a new girlfriend and I got him to meet me tonight by tellingh him if he sees me and tell me face to face it is over then I should be able to leave him alone… I only said that to get him to see me… my best friend and most my other friends keep telling me he wouldnt really get rid of me but I dont know how I am going to convince him to listen to me as he keeps saying he doesnt care about me… all because of something that wasnt my fault. he said that I lied about changing and he knew I wouldnt but I have changed and I went through emotional distress on the saturday to make him happy. He promised me a lot of things and he broke most of them so I cannot move on or trust anyone else. and I cannot let go as I told him I will wait for him if I have to… how do I convince him to listen to me and understand… make him realise he does care?! Sorry its long but I really cannot make life hard for others as he is the only one I could give everything to. I love him. and I cannot live without him and I know its stupid I keep asking myself why im bothering but I just love him… I dont know how else to exlain it… just please help =( x

Answer #1

I notice that most of your post is about him not listening to you.

Although you might not want to or not feel that way, maybe you need to do some listening from your side (with an open mind) about how HE FEELS and what he is going through.

I am sure that it is just as difficult (or has been) for him and from what you are saying it doesn’t sound like he got to say what he wanted.

Sometimes when you want something you just have to make the effort and back off a bit. Sit down, tell him you want to talk and then LISTEN, even if you don’t get a chance to speak for hours. After that tell him that you need to think and go and think about what he said and if you still feel like continuing the relationship.

Good luck. Hope it works out so that both of you are happy.

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