How do I change?

Hi guys! I’ve been such a downer lately! At school I feel so cut out and stuff like that. Happy hours haven’t helped me. Can you help???


Answer #1

School can be such a lonely place; even when you’re surrounded by people. It’s so easy to become overwhelmed, and to lose yourself a bit. Just bear in mind, that things will get better, and that it won’t be like this forever.

In the meantime, do something to boost your confidence. Get involved with things, even if it seems difficult at first.

I felt cut out at school, the only way to combat it is to be your own person. Do things for yourself, and don’t be brought down by the idiots. Be strong and confident - and if you don’t feel like that, then fake it, and it will begin to be real. I promise.

Answer #2

Well from my experience at school just start making conversation like if you hear a few people discussing a subject you know about, then join in. More than not they will start talking to you about it. So really don’t wait for them to ignore you easy but make yourself visable to people. IT WORKS

Answer #3

Sounds like you need to boost up your confidence. Buy a new outfit. Do something new with your hair.

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