How do I change?

By summertime, I want to be a better person. How do I start wearing cute clothes, how do I stop being a jerk to some people, how to I change all around?

Answer #1

Well…wearing cuter clothes won’t make you a better person…becoming a “better person” is an inside job. You’ve made a start by wanting to be different…the next step is making the DECISION that’s what you’re going to do.

One thing I’ve learned to do when I want to change myself…is to slow down, so I can “think” before my mouth flies open…old habits are hard to change, so it takes “concious thought”…which is slower…nobody else will notice you’ve slowed down your response time…so instead of saying the same old jerky stuff, you’ll be able to say something new, something kind…something, that when you walk away, you’ll like yourself in a way you didn’t know was possible.


Answer #2

I’d say the job’s half done already as you do want to make a change.

To be more aware of your behaviour, I guess it’s a good idea to analyse your bad habits a bit, even get friends and family to help – to remind you when you’re being “bad”, lol, and keep you on your mission.

And you’ve even set a rough target date for yourself - that’s good because it means you know you can’t change overnight.

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