How do I ask my boyfriend to go to the cinema with me?

I’m 11 and a girl. I’ve been going out with this guy for about a month now. We’ve kissed about 3 times and I really like him. I only see him at school although I text him a lot. He doesn’t have a social site or msn or anything. Before xmas, when he was going out with my mate and I was going out with someone else, we went to the cinema as a four. I want to go to the cinema with him again, but not sure how to tell him. I know another girl and her boyfriend who are good friends with me and him, and we could go as a 4, but just not sure how to set it up? And if he doesnt want to then what?

Answer #1

Well text him and ask him if he feels like going to the movies with just you. If you really like him I think you should just go together and have fun because it could bring you closer together and if there is four of you you will have to put your attention to the others not just as a couple :) x

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