How do I ask him?

I really wanna ask my ex boyfriend if he still has feelings for me? How do I do that without making it weird? Would it be better to do it over myspace or face to face???

Answer #1

Face to face. Doing it over myspace is so overrated. Just sit him down at lunch or after school & say “Babe I still have feelings for you & I wanted to know if you do too?” Also why did y’all break up? When you break up with someone, you may be a little bit surprised to see that they continue to grow and change when you are not looking so he might not want to get back together :( Also remember there is a reason he is your ex. Dont put yourself out for pain think this over & then make your final desicion

-Hope I helped :D

Answer #2

I couldnt reply to your funmail because you dont accept funmail from people who arent on your friend list so here it is:

Well if he has a girlfriend then maybe he just isnt intrested in you anymore.

I suggest you ask him somewhere quiet & alone

Answer #3

No offense, but I don’t agree with pwincess irenemarie. I’m kind of in the same situation. I’ve only loved one guy and I still do. After we broke up, a few months later I started dating another guy. But I was still madly in love with my ex so I broke up with the other guy…So even if your ex has a girlfriend, call or message him on myspace and tell him you would like to talk to him face to face, and ask him when is a good time for him. I hope this helped:)

Answer #4

I know if I were the guy, I’d see your request as valid primarily if you asked me face to face. Maybe nvite himto an old date place, set the mood and open up!

Answer #5

Face to face but over a little time.

You didn’t mention whether or you had feelings for him or not, so I’m wondering if you are maybe just looking for some “closure” which is important and a valid emotion.

I’d say just start out with casual conversations with him and work into what you really want to know and go from there.

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