How did this happen im not a cheater?

So person 1 asked me out and everything was okay but I she didnt seem into the relationship so I started thinking. This person lies a lot and wants attention was dating a girl (me) only for attention? Then at a friends we were playing some stupid game and person 2 got physical with me when I was half asleep and didnt really know what to do. Woke up the next day at the friends house and remember and realized what I did. Tried to break it off with person 2 but just couldnt. So I tried person 1. She got upset and when I explained why she thought we got back together. Now im dating two people at once and I want to break it off with person 1 but dont want to hurt her and dont know what to say ( I want to stay friends). Im starting to fall for them both. What do I do??

Answer #1

sorry, first off I have to say I didnt really understand what you were saying. it wasn’t very clear. but from what I got from it, you seem to want to break it off with one person and not the other. the best piece of advice I can offer is to do whatever you need to do to make yourself happy trust me, I have had a lot of experience dating and I’ve had my fair share in breaking up with girls. it is so hard to do.. it brings me to tears every time. (sadly, it actually gets easier the more often you break up with someone). I can totaly understand how you must feel about breaking it off with one of them. im sorry to say that you’re going to have to do it. you obviously cannot date two people without either of them and you being okay with it. if it makes you feel better, I am friends with all my ex’s. at first we stayed away from each other until we were better, but now we are completely okay. do whatever will make you happy. do the right and mature thing. if you do, I promise (as much as it wont seem like it at first) that only good will come out of it.

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