How could I be this hideous?

Im in high school a 15 year old girl, am I really that ugly for girls to give me dirty looks and absolutely hate me. Some guys seem to stare but I keep thinking they’re staring at some other girl. I get comments from guys, good comments as to remarks. Girls seem to hate my guts and give these disgusted looks, on the other hand guys not so much. I do hear ya baby, comments on my butt, and what not but what if their just saying those things and not meaning it. What does this all mean.

Answer #1

I agree with the one on top of me!!! they are definetly jealous of you- and I know that because I expirience almost the same.. they wish they had my body and eyes!! I may not have the prettiest nose- but something bout me stand out! and maybe theres something bout you that stand out naturally too!! think of it as a blessing!! lol

it will get annoying and all those feelings of girls being jealous.. but yeah juss ignore them adn think of it as a good thing.. you have girls jealous of you- soon they would want to be like yoU! you know??? juss, dont go over board by being a stuck up meanie pants like them and start givin other peopel dirty looks and shiz makin others feel lower then u… you know?? dont be like them juss be urself and if you want to talk to them and tell them why you act like this and maybe work it out- then do it! if not, then juss keep what your doing, think of it as a good thing. and dont be like them… you know? llol well good luck pretty!!! ahh :) I am too coough cough ahhaa

Answer #2

sounds to me like you are not ugly. Do you think you are ugly? look in the mirror! I bet your not, but so what? you are in high school, have a laugh ! people will forget what you look like, and want to be with you because your funny! put yourself out there, no when and where to say your bit and HAVE FUN ! and one point in my life I just stopped looking in mirrors because I hated what I saw and didnt bother at all with myself, and im telling you it was the best time in my life because I didnt care and neither did anyone else !

Answer #3

I’ m not sure what you look like but, if guys ar giving you good remarks then I’ m guessing that the other girls are jealous of you. You must be pretty.

Answer #4

I think the girls are just jealous

Answer #5

If girls give you dirty looks it genuinely means they are jelous of you! It may be annoying but try to start talking to them… Perhaps if you have more self-confidence?! = )x Good luck

Answer #6

well maybe the girls are just jealous because your pretty and why else would the say stuuf like that if you wernt pretty thed call you ugly and stuff

Answer #7

yea girls are competitive and dislike the competition, otherwise they keep their enemies close, I forget what its like to be a guy at that age so.. but don’t pay too much attention to it, listen to your friends and more importantly to yourself.

Answer #8

If you are a nice person and don’t b*tch or retaliate to girls being nasty then just know that you are the better person. If there is no reason that you can see for them to be nasty then don’t worry about it - they can be nasty and bitter and you can go through school with your head held high and be strong. Focus on your work as that is why you are at school - to do as well as you can in order to get a well paying job and be successful as an adult. Don’t let the distraction of boys and petty bickering get in the way of your success. I had girls do the same to me at school. I ignored all of them and just studied - I did so well that I am now earning more than any of them. I can go out and buy what I want and enjoy it. Life gets so much better AFTER all the crap and trivials of high school.

Answer #9

it meens that the girs are relly gelus of you and the boys are prverts trust me thay only wont one thig and one thing only thay have to brans that think with the rong one don stears not the up trust me im 15 to and im in 9th thay on ly wont one thing/

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