How can you tell when you are in love?

I have a boyfriend we have been dateing for almost a month now. he asked me to marry him ( at a later date) . but I have never cared/liked someone so much before. he is so perfect in every way and is soo sweet . I get this weird / but good felling when ever I am around him … is it true love or something that will pass

Answer #1

Hes asked you to marry him after only 1 month…sounds more like infatuation. Love take a long time to bloom. I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost 6 wks. We arent even close to thinking about marriage, and we’re a lot older than you are. We havent even said those 3 words yet! Love isnt a feeling…real love is often accompanied by strong feelings, love does not equate with the sense of floating on clouds. A relationship wouldn’t last long on emotions. In fact, knowledge is the basis of a healthy relationship. You cant truly know someone in a month! Knowing the others personality, and character are very important. The fact that you have to ask if its true love means its not. Take your time. Dont worry about whats going to happen years down the road. Have fun getting to know one another, and just give the relationship time to develop!

Infatuation: ~Sees the other person as perfect ~Wants to get own needs met; selfish ~Spends all time with the other person ~Quickly “falls” for the other person ~Other relationships and friendships deteriorate ~Dependence on the other person causes ~Jealousy frequently ~Distance strains and often puts an end to the relationship

Love: ~Sees the other person’s flaws and still loves them ~Wants to serve the other person; selfless ~Still spends time with others ~Takes time to build the relationship ~Other relationships and friendships grow stronger ~Trust and understanding results in less severe and less frequent jealousy ~Encompasses a long-term commitment

Answer #2

Thats only something you yourself can decide and answer. The idea of love is different for evryone but I really think you need to give it time before you really know.

Answer #3

If your questing it than your problem dont love him. Love is very very powerfull I dont know how to explain it but you just know when your in love.

Answer #4

Thats kinda tough to tell but when the love bug bites you it bites you hard… so even if you try so hard not to fall so fast for him, you still end up … Marriage is not game when you get married that like you are promising that one person that you will always will be there and will not do anything to harm them… Love is a hard thing to find and when you find it you don’t want to lose it at all… It just a feeling you can’t explain…

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