How can you tell if a guy just wants you for looks?

My boyfriend seems like all he cares about is doing things. He asks me for pics. And he just wants to talk about what we are gonna do.

Answer #1

Oh Yes Hunny; I’ve Been There; I Had A Guy Tell Me One Day In A Text “Im Not Making A Blank Trip For Notin”.. For Me I Say He Just Wants To Mess With You Physically Thats What I Think..I’d Go For Some One Else That Cares For Looks But Not As Much As That Person..

-Hope I Helped; Kushhiee

Answer #2

Ask him why he likes you If he doesnt give you an answer that doesnt say anything about your looks he only likes you for your looks

Answer #3

There is a book called “ Read B4UD8” (read before you date) Ask your parents to get it for you, or go to the library, and ask them to get it for you. It is awesome! I wish I had read it before I started dating,, or even before I got married! You will love it. My boys read it, and it gives a lot of advice, and answers a lot of question. Tells signs to look for, and teaches you to know,, its dating, if it doesnt work out,, not to change who you are, that that person wasnt for you,, thats why we Date :)

Answer #4

omg,I TOTALLY feel you!that’s how my boyfriend is(we’ve been together for about a year and three months)…like it’s just really getting out of hand but I find myself of thinking about leaving him now .I know it’ll be hard but I think it’s going to be the best choice.but anyways if he’s like that I think the best choice is leaving him like I’ve been through so much with him and I’ve just felt miserable & I just feel like thats all he wants me for but yeahh.I hope all goes well though(:

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