How can you find out a guy likes you?

Somebody please tell me! Im crying over this guy now =[

Answer #1

ughhh guys are stupid sometimes! (sorry but im kind of mad at guys at the moment) sometimes it seems like they like you, then the next day they wont get near you…the best way to know if he likes you is to ask him straight out, and I know its really nervewrecking (I tried it, but didnt succeed) but its the only way to know for sure..

Answer #2

If he likes you, he might blush or fiddle with his hair. but the reactions are different for everyone

Answer #3

guys have different ways of showing someone affection some guys try to cover it up, some guys will try to get your attention all the time its hard to tell…the best thing to do is talk to him

Answer #4

loll arlieee niceee

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