how can we stop being so alike?

how can I stop being like my bestfriend? we both like the same stuff + have loads of the same stuff + more. it can be ok because weve always got something to talk about but sometimes I just wanna be different! how can I be a bit more different?

Answer #1

explore more things,like new styles,and mostly music. try getting something new like a new piercing,tattoos,or even a new haircut it wont only different you from her but it will make you feel new and good lmao

Answer #2

well it would be cool to have so much in common with your boyfriend but if you wanna be different then express the real you try different things! maby without your boyfriend! it mite be hard but worth it! lol… good luck!

Answer #3

change urself top to bottom …change your style …n tell your frnd 2 not copy u … try some diff. outfits &else…& stop worrying its nt good 4 u.

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