How can my homeschool get money for prom?

I am 17 and I am homeschooled my school sent a letter out saying there would be a prom and now come to find out it has been canceled because the lady that was doing it backed out on us :’( how can I get my school enough money and everything so I can go to prom???

Answer #1

The school can provide a dance. It should cost at least $5 and all grades should be able to attened. Even the grades that are not going 2 prom…Thats how a jr.high school raised money 4 their prom. Might work 4 your HS. However the whole school needs a part in it to make it work.

Answer #2

they would hold it in a place between were the most people are home schooled for that state same way I do field trips and such

Answer #3

homeschool prom? if your home schooled, how are you having a prom?!?!

Answer #4

Maybe if you are talented youjr local administration could give you a grant

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