How can I turn him on?

I have had a good relationship with this guy for a good two years. We talk on the phone every night and every so often we have “that” chat ;] I have been running out of ideas though. I find myself saying the same things. Moaning, telling him what I am wearing, repeating myself over and over. I AM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS!! Help me please :( :)

Answer #1

Lol We do a lot of that. Well. The masterbating on the phone. And I get him to talk when he can ;) The one problem is, he just moved :( to a town three hours away from me. So he can’t come over.

Answer #2

invite him over??? or watch a porn video together at the same time?? maybe.. I don’t know. masterbate on the phone, get him to talk for once??? :S

Answer #3

It sounds like you’re bored of the same old, same old routine.

Some ideas from experience: Role play Watch a movie together….any kind really, the more tasteful the better though (nothing too explicit). Tie him up…have him tie you up. Try candlewax, the first time, I didn’t like it, the second time…WOW. Those cards you can make yourself with sexual favors on them….split up a stack and you each get to turn in a voucher at some point for kinky fun.

Really, what you do is limited only by your imagination, we only live once, so might as well have fun.

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