How can I tell if this guy likes me?

Okay, so this guy is like seventeen. & he was my neighbor at one point. well we became really close, I would talk to him about EVERYTHING. this was about a year ago. well just recently I found out he liked me the whole time. but I think he’s over me now. & now that I look back onto the laughs & good times we’ve had together I really really like him. he’s like the perfect guy for me…but there’s just one more problem. the guy I fell in love with for the first time is his best friend! so if we ever did have something would that make it awkward? & how can I tell if he has anymore feelings for me besides like brother & sister..

Answer #1

Yes it would make it akward because they aren’t going to stop being friends just because he starts hanging out with you, but who knows if they have a bro-code (don’t date or sleep with each others ex’s) he may never be in an offical relationship with you if it jepordizes his friendship…I guess it depends on how important their friendship is to him..But you also met your neighbor first so it could go either way. If his best friend is over you he may give him the ok to date you without him being upset…just depends. You may just have to approach him or start hanging out with him again and slowly see if he still likes you…after a year of not really talking you don’t want to just put yourself out there…Good luck!

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