How can I tell if im getting the full story?

I cant tell if my boyfriend of 5 years is lying, because he shows no remorse for what he does when I catch him at things. He went to spring break with his friend in FL and partied with girls and ended up in bed with one. He said he passed out and she was drunk and fell asleep there later. And when he woke up he saw her and got out of bed. The girl told me the same story. Is this cheating? And how can I tell if he took it farther?

Answer #1

Go with you instinct. Does a duck quack? he was in bed with another woman who was drunk after partying? sounds like a cheat to me.

I would make him get screened for STDs before having sex with him again.

xox Sika

Answer #2

just question yourself … why were they near a bed ? he obviously wasnt concioous of what he was doing or anything cause he was so wasted he passed out.. the girl probably told you the same story, uh hunny he could’ve easily spoken to her days before or hours before speaking to you, to not say anything about there little fling.. chances are he most likely did cheat on you.. and you should go get him screened for an STD

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