How can I tell if he over his ex and ready for me?

ok I’ve been going out with this gut for bout 3 months, im with him everyday , but I found a letter about him and this girl he used to be with, he tells me that he was never with her but in the letter he calls her his girlfriend. and about a month ago I found a pic of her in his wallet..he took it out and got rid of all her pics from his phone. he hasn’t had a girlfriend in awhile and says we’re working on a serious relationship…should I let his past bother me or should I just be happy that he’s trying slowly to work on something bigger and better?I mean he was “with” her back in 05’ they still talk but not that often…HELP please give good useful advice

Answer #1

he’s obviously lying to you I don’t know something doesnt click there he could say anything he wants but it really seems like he’s full of b.s and he’s probably using you as a rebound if he still has pictures of her in his wallet its pretty obvious you know?? just becareful stand up to the guy tell him what you truly feel

Answer #2

Well, if he’s lying about his past relationships, that’s Bad. Lying in relationships is “No”. Don’t let it bother you, but, tell him that you want him to be honest with you.

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