How can I talk to my bestfriend?

Ok I have this ex bff and she has been dating this guy for 6 or 7 mnths but known eachother for awhile and he asked her to marry him already but I don’t want her to because he talks a bunch of bad stuff about her and I don’t want them to get married only if she knew how he was he had my other bff to lie for him but I mean everyone does that but she deserves better she doesnt talk to me nomore because of him and I want the friend back the way it use to be?

Answer #1

you need to have a girls night. have her spend the night and talk and dish out secrets and cry. you need to bring this up before it is too late. because as much it will hurt…it will be better to be right then to have lied to her and have to pick her up in pieces later on knowing you didn’t tell her

Answer #2

well thanks for the advice but its to late now our friendship will never be together she is too damn sprung on her

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