How can I talk to him?

Okay, so I like this guy and he knos I like him and evertone says that he likes me back. But I dont know. Ok so my question is if I should talk to him. Its kinda akward sometimes when we do. Well should I? If so, can you give me ideas or easy convo. stuff I could use? PLEASE Help ME!! I beg you!!!

Answer #1

sweetie, confidence is the key. guys dont like the girls who are nervous and stuff. they might think its cute, but never good if your looking for a relationship with the dude. just talk about similar interests, sports, hobbies, movies, music, stuff like that. or if theres a new movie that you know he might like, say “Hey, man, wanna go see _ with me? I hear its awesome”. be sweet, confident, and have fun. just let loose. dont be nervous, hun. ;D

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