How can I talk to an upperclassmen?

I like a junior and I talk to him a lot over myspace. I’m so afrid to talk to him in real life though. Hes in my band class since I’m 9th grade and hes,,,well…11th lol. I’ve told him I liked him but it was at the very wrong time, (right after a really bad break up). Well…I think he might be ready to go out with someone now, but I cant say something like that because im not them, but I want to know how can I talk to him more without feeling stupid. I’m fine talking to him on the computer we would talk in 4 paragrafs at a time, so yeah I’m ok with that. I want to get to know him more in real life in hope to feel more confrable around him. what do I do?

Answer #1

don’t be nervous. just approach him like he was anyone else. upperclassmen boys want girls to think theyre high and mighty, but in reality, theyre just people. and if you guys are talking hella over the internet, its obvious you guys have somethings in common right? so just go up to him and be like “whats up?” and start talking =]

Answer #2

hey im a sophmore dating a senior. I understand it may be hard or nerve racking talking to him but honestly you have to go for it. guys like not making that first move… just make sure you look extra cute that day and just start with small talk… it doesnt have to be anything big. believe me… it could really be worth it and if you don’t you’ll just wonder what could have been.

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