How Can I Stop My paranoia?

I Am Really Paranoid! I Dunno Why But Im Always Thinking That Whenever People Look At Me Its Bad! And I Dunno Wheather Its Because Im Ugly Or Because I Have No Confidence But I Need Some Advice Because Its Getting Me Down And I KNow It Annoys My Friends. xx

Answer #1

hey I’m paranoid. It officially drives me BONKERS well to lessan the paranoia you must be confident in what you do be brave, but no bungey jumping (LOL)

Answer #2

I know how you feel when I’m at school I can just here people saying “ew she’s so ugly” I know I have little confidence, but I don’t want to make you angry but do you think that your paronia could be caused by depression from your dads death (read some of your questions)if not then it’s just something you need to work on (that’s what my mom tells me) and know that if you do become an actress (which is totally possible don’t let anybody tell you it’s not, see I want to be one an people tell me that all the time) you can help a lot of girls out there who feel the same way. Your not alone trust me :)

Answer #3

You just need some confidence, Kayleigh. Try to not think about yourself so much - think about others.

Don’ t think, “Is she looking at me?? Has my eyeliner run down my face in a straight black line?”

Instead, think, “I wonder where she got those shoes?” Or… “She seems shy, maybe I could make her feel more at ease”

You know what I mean :) It’s a small start. Before you know it. you will be Miss Gregarious 2008!

Answer #4

Confidence is key. How do you feel about yourself?

You know the toughest enemy for our self esteem is ourselves. Believe in your personal beauty and embrace who you are.

I’m guessing you are very outgoing, but like to keep to yourself since you have a lot of people looking at you. Know that all stares aren’t always bad though. Maybe just curiousity and they just want to know more about you.

Try getting involved in a school sport or club. That is a great way to develope freindships and also build confidence to be a part of something great.

Answer #5

Cheers Hannah


Dont Worry You Dont Smell Like A Fish .. Perry’s Just Being Gay! Lol

Cheers Everyone Else As Well xx

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