How can I pass an in home drigtest for THC on fifteen days?

I have an in home ua coming up in fifteen days from tomorrow, given to me be my understanding mother.. Whom I also think her herself could not pass a ua. Anyway, I’m fairly sure she is getting her tests from target and the only tests they sell are the First Check in home urine tests. I have been doing a lot of research on how to pass this and I have heard many different ways to do so. Drinking tons of water stands out above all, but unfortunately consuming large amounts of water only dilutes your urine so the test resault will show as inconclusive(neither negitive nor positive) and that would look pretty fishy I’m sure. Also I have heard of putting 6-8 drops of bleach or 3 crystals of Draino into your urine that is soon to be tested. I have even heard of just filling up the cup with warm water and food coloring(to give it that nice urine color), which is said to only work for this test only. I really don’t know which method trully works and which methods do not. Should I… Do a 50:50 mix of my urine and water? Put some draino or bleach in the test? Drink a lot of water and acidic liquids? Use a friends urine? Food coloring plus water? vitamins… B… ? Excessive workout til 2 days before test?

I have no money to spend so I can’t buy any of the detox drinks/pills. I was a “heavy” (1-3 times per day) user up until fifteen days prior to now, then today I smoked a joint and 1 1/2 bowls. I’m not overweight at all, 5”11” 145lbs. Drummer/ football player. Any advice helps. Thank you.

Answer #1

First of all if this trug test has anything to do with school or the legal system, trust me they will catch anything you try to use to alter your urine. I am a case worker for the Dept. of Child Services and deal with tons of drug testing a week. I have seen every trick in the book, and our lab always detect anything, and when a trug test comes back as being altered, we have to retest, with us standing in the bathroom watching the person using the toilet. So you may watch out with anything you try. Even if you dip your cup in the water, the 1 beer they had the day before, our lap caught

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