How can I move on after a loss?

You’ve heard me talk about my cousin, and how clsoe we are. I’m sure you also noticed that I praised him on my webpage. well, he had been suffering severe depression for six months, but it wasn’t getting any better. well, wednesday, he finally snapped. I came back from the store to find him in the tub, floating in water and blood. he had slit his wrists with a razor. he also left me a note, saying what happened. I didn’t care what happened; how could he give up and leave me alone? especially with what I have to face this coming thursday. how can I move on, and keep myself from doing the same?

Answer #1

oo wow I am really sorry I know it’s hard but you don’t want it to halppen to you becuase all your family probably really misses him and if you were to both do it than you would reall let them downn I noe it’s hard but you got to fight through it but if you ever need somone to talk 2 than you can funmail me or comment me kayy and sorry again

Answer #2

Awh hun, I’m so so sorry. I have all the sympathy for you in the world, I really do. Not only because of him doing it but because you’re the one who found him. This is something you wont ever move on from, things will get a little better over time but that takes so long. Try to stay as strong as possible and take a lot of time to yourself to think about everything. Hang in there love.

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