How can I make myself repulsive?

Or something somewhat similar to that. =\

This might be kind of a strange question to ask, but how can a person make themselves less cute? I hate to say this, but it’s come to the point where I’m afraid to ‘befriend’ anyone in my classes. I love to meet new people and talk with them, but things always get odd when they suddenly want to take me on a date somewhere.

I feel like it might be my personality itself that gives them an impression that I’m interested in them, but in that case should I change it or hide it or something? I think I should stop smiling. Or maybe I shouldn’t be so nice to people.

I don’t really want to change my mannerisms, but I was hoping there was something else I could do. Should I just not shower everyday? =\ What’s a good way to turn a guy off from a girl?

Answer #1

Um, fart in from of them? lol.

seriously this is really weird. if you don’t want to date any guys just let them know before they ask, just find a way to let them know you are not interested in that other than not showering and looking ugly.

Answer #2

I would just be yourself but let people know up front you are not looking for a boyfriend right now and you just enjoy meeting people and hanging out with friends, NO one wants to be the stinky kid in school.

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