How can I make 330.00dollars for an xbox360?

Im 16 and I dont have a job,how can I make enough money 4 a xbox360 without doin anything bad?

Answer #1

Get a job, for sure. Not knowing where to get a job is a lazy, unmotivated excuse. Seriously how else will you make money?

Do what 0kai0 said, and look at businesses in your area. Most are hiring (although part-time minimum wage), at least where I live. It’s better than nothing. Check out this question, which is the same and has some good answers.

Answer #2
  1. Stop using caps lock.
  2. 1337 speak isn’t that cool. It get’s annoying
  3. As for where to get a job, it really isn’t that hard. There are stores where you live, right? Well, generally you walk in the doors, find the area customer service is located and ask for an application. Fill it out. Return it. If they need work you’ll get a call for an interview. Do this at many places.
Answer #3

Get a job. Maybe do some work for your parents. It’s not going to just fall out of the sky. You’re 16, if you think you can handle a job on top of school, get one. Money can be useful.

Answer #4

Oh yea 2 all my answerers my parents dont give me an allowance And I dont wh3re 2 g3t a job

Answer #5

sell stuff on ebay!!!

Answer #6

do you have the old xbox and games???

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