How can I love myself?

I really hate everything about myself. Im not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I cant think of anythign abotu my self (physically/personallity) that i actually like. Why do i feel like this and what can i do?

Answer #1

I felt that way too when I was younger- as long as you are a good person, smile at people, and treat everyone nicely- that will make you feel good about yourself! I try to do little things for people that they don’t expect- that makes me feel good about myself. For example, a woman was pushing a baby stroller and a bus went through a deep puddle and splashed the baby ! The mother started crying and didn’t know what to do- I ran in the grocery store and purchased a towel and gave it to the mother. The look on her face made me feel better about myself instantly! Good things will come to you just by being kind to others- that will be the start of you loving yourself!

Answer #2

I agree with the above advice. If you look outside of yourself and start looking at what you can do for others you will start to forget about what is wrong with you. Doing good to others makes you concentrate on things that are within your control. It increases your confidence in what you can do. It is almost impossible to not feel better after helping some. Eventually you wil start see things that are good about you.

With all of the media showing us the ideal body and personality it’s hard to see the good in ourselves sometimes. No one looks like the stars do, not even the stars. Talk to some you trust and who knows you. Ask them what they see in you. Sometimes its surprising the good things people think about you. You have to be ready to listen and take the compliments. Don’t do the “not really” disclaimers.

Everyone is unique and that is more than alright that is what makes each connection with people around us so powerful. Reach out to people around you. A good support group and people you trust are always good to fall back on when you have down days, but if you are the one that is reaching out to people your life will be much happier and you WILL see results in how you feel about yourself.

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