How can I inprove my additude?

look me and my boyfriend always fighiing and I make it worse because of my additude then he say I dont love him how cani make him understand ily with all my heart?? ANY THOUGH

Answer #1

I think the first thing you need to do is work on the reasons you’re fighting. No relationship is perfect, but a lot of fighting isn’t healthy for a relationship no matter how much you love a person. It can make a person (or both) feel quite upset, unloved and pushed away. Attitude doesn’t help that, mind you, but I’m assuming that the attitude is all a result of the fighting or what it is that you’re fighting about.

Now, if you start to argue, step back for a second and don’t reply. Think about what’s being said. Why are you guys fighting? Is it worth arguing over? If it is, what is the point that you want to get across? Before you reply with something, think about what you want to say. Express your thoughts nicely, but as honestly as you can. Use I statements (I think, I feel, I want, etc). If it’s not worth fighting about or it’s one of those fights where you’re fighting to be right, stop the argument before it gets anywhere. Say Listen, I’m sorry. I love you, but this isn’t really something worth fighting over. Compromise when necessary.

Lastly, if you love him, show him. Be kind, be caring, be considerate. Do things with him and for him. Enjoy each others presence. When all else fails, think about what it is that you would like someone to do to show you that they love you. Most of our wants and needs aren’t so different in that category, so just keep that in mind.

Take care.

Answer #2

Don’t give him attitude?

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