How can I have more fun with him in the hallways?

READ THIS BEFORE ANSWERING SO YOU CAN ANSWER CORRECTLY PLEASE (: Well me and my boyfriend walk down the hallways together and we sometimes keep up a good convo. But sometimes we just walk holding hands and say absolutely nothing to each other. He’s kinda shy and sometimes when I try and talk to him, he doesn’t really respond. I usually ask him what hes doing after school, but thats mostly it, or we talk about school stuff. But I want to have fun and talk and laugh with him like his friends do with him.What can I do so that he can laugh along and we have more fun walking and talking down the hallways?

Answer #1

Okay, I used to have the same problem. And first of all, PLEASE be careful about the touching you do in school, teachers will soon find out and will watch you like a hawk. No lie.

Just keep trying to talk to him. Think of good conversation starters, for examples:

-What’s for lunch? -Did you have any tests today? -Was gym fun today? -What did you do last weekend? -What are you doing this afternoon? -What are you doing this weekend?

If the problem persists, talk to him about it. I know it seems weird, but talking about things saves many relationships, so try it.

Hope I helped!

Answer #2

There’s not much you can do about your personality or his. You just be yourself and if he doesn’t find your humor amusing then maybe he isn’t ‘The One’.

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