how can I go on with my life like this?

ok I just told the girl I liked that I like her but she said she doesnt like me an I just feel so lonly because no one even freakin likes me in any way an I dont like talking bout things lie this so can someone help with this… :(

Answer #1

I feel the same way dude I felt lonely because none of my girlfriend’s lasted and I had a feelings my heart that wants more or somthin that cud bring that feeling bck. If your a handsome guy (no homo) you will find a girl quick just don’t do anything weird

Answer #2

Honestly I think you should be happy that she was honest with you, because if she told you she liked you and she didnt, and you found out you would probly be feeling even more down. I think we have all been in a place where we like someone and they dont like us back. Honestly your time will come, there is someone out there for everyone and sometimes it just takes a while to find them and you have to search through other ones. a lot of people believe in this fairytale that the person of yout dreams will fall from the could into your arms.. well thats not how it work, it takes time. Keep your head up though- Just remember love and happiness comes when you are not really looking for it :)

Answer #3

Personality matters too : /

Answer #4

That happens to everyone at some point in their life. I agree with ‘sweetheart2’, it’s better that she told you the truth because it would hurt alot more if you found out she had lied about it. I believe that everyone has someone out there that’s absolutely made for them, like a soul mate sort of thing, and I KNOW you have one too. It might take a while to find your person, but the longer the wait, the better it is (like chocolate cake :D). Until you find her just keep your head up and a smile on your face because you have super duper friends XD (like me :P) and you’re still young! You have plenty of time! I really really hope I helped a bit ^_^ hugs

Answer #5

yeah i agree

Answer #6

That so sweet, That’s my Conny-Bear :) <3. And Agreed with the Soul mate theory:D

Answer #7

XD Aww, thanks Makky Bear :P

Answer #8

I geuss that how I blew it, being weird, oops!.There are others right,?

Answer #9

From personal expriences, If you help it don’t fall to deep in love with someone you know well break you. :( I’m still chasinh him it been a year and six months

Answer #10

yes plenty

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