How can I get a job?

I need help finding a teen job my name is sarah and am 15 who can help me

Answer #1

It doesn’t just take that hun. Your gonna have to make a resume. Then your gonna have to hand out resume’s to places where you would like to work. Now, you won’t get jobs fast because you don’t have any work experience and places that are hiring are interested in people that have experience.

  • Don’t make your resume to long, try to keep it a page long because they don’t like to read a lot.

  • Put in volunteer work and add a cover letter.

  • Have faith and never give up!

Good Luck.

Answer #2

For getting a job you need to have a powerful resume. Resume is a personal database which states your experiences, your qualifications, your achievements, etc. it’s a quick profile which your employers or clients can see and decide on the future of dealings. Just visit You’ll find your answer. They give free resume writing tips .

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