How can I get through to my parents?

I’m twenty years old about to be twenty one and currently between schools I’d like to attend a junior college before re-entering a university system (I’ve had a difficult time with them in the past). Initially I had been looking for work for 9 months since I wanted to take a break, but since the economy is so bad and I have no experience I haven’t been able to find one. My parents refuse to allow me to enter a junior college anywhere unless I move back in with them and attend the JC in my home town, yet they are willing to pay for a state university living on my own. For the last two years I haven’t been able to make any of my own decisions without them finding a way to revert to their own choices. How can I get through to them and make my own decisions regarding college and my own life??

Answer #1

Ok so basically they are using the funding for your college eduction to keep you doing ‘what they think is best’?

I guess you need to try and explain to them that your an adult now. They have done a good job raising you, but now its time for you to make your mark on the world whether its good or bad. Try to discus with them, that yes you know you will make mistakes, but knowledge and wisdom come from learning from our mistakes.

As a last ditch resort, if you have some way to pay for your college, you can say no to their money and strike out on your own.

All I can think of.

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