How can I get through dis?

Ok recently I have no friends nobody likes me I am lonely people see me walking alone or when they see me alone on lunch they ask me stuff and laugh at me. I have thoughts about running away or drop out please help me

Answer #1

if people bother you or bitch at you and make fun of you then just bitch back at them and diss them but you have to own at it because if you are tryna diss them but it sounds hela gay then its gonna suck. so just make them feel like sh*t and then they will respect you and leave you alone.

Answer #2

You should really find someone anyone to talk to… if your having a bad day and you just want to say F the world fun mail me.. I’m always down to talk about stuff like that. You shouldn’t move schools, maybe think about how you can be more positive at school.. I know in a situation like yours its hard to walk around campus with your head held high but when you walk around hearing the negative things about you and showing that they are getting to you, your just feeding the monster.. It will be so much easier to be around people like that if you have more self confidence and just by talking to someone about what’s going on with you can really help build that… Please don’t hesitate to try I will always respond back to you if you fun mail me. Starting up a good “online” relationship with someone may help you start one at school or else where… and always keep in mind that life after high school is so different you wont even see more then half those people after of even talk to them.. it may be tough now but everyone goes through rejection one way or another in life this is your time to rise against it and grow strong those punks at school are going to have to learn what your learning now later on in life which can actually be harder and more traumatizing.. Just stay positive!

Answer #3

I would rather be alone then have friends that didn’t understand me. What you need to learn how to do is how to stand up for yourself, using words. You don’t need to fist fight, but mouthing off will show that you can speak and that you are a person capable of fighting back. Even if they make fun of you or ask you stupid questions just reply with ‘How is that any of your concern?’ It’s alright to be lonely, I am too. It honestly doesn’t matter to me at all. When I speak to people I want it to be real, you can’t find that kind of relationship easily. Running away will not solve anything, it’ll only give them more to talk about. Fighting will only provoke. So what do you do? You have a decision, you can ignore them and watch as they continue treating you like dirt. Or you can stand up for yourself and use your words. They’re being immature, and it’s about time you told them that. And all in all, if they still don’t get it, they’re just a bunch of idiots at the end of the day.

Answer #4

well dont drop out cause you need an education…I honestly dont have any friends either only like 4 just find a way through it everything will turn out fine

Answer #5

im the same way… I had frends, and they stabbed me in the back… I have run away, and it never solves anything… someone messes with you, just tell them to leave you alone… if that dont work flip out on them…

Answer #6

Nothing. Ignore. Don’t asnwer the questions. Your not going to have those people make you runaway, or drop out, and just ruin your life. Meaby switching school? Having a fresh start? Tell an adult or someone. But really don’t start anathing, it dosen’t really help much. I just asnwered your question about running away, you said you had a very loving family… turn to them in this situations.

Answer #7

well I did punch a guy but it made it worse

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