How can I get this guy to like me?

I’ve liked this family friend for about a month and we’ve known each other since we wer like 3. He doesn’t visit very often because he doesn’t live that close but when he does visit he barely talks to me, and he’s the same talking online. I recently asked a question about why he was ignoring me and someone said it might be that he likes me back. If this is the case, how can I get him to admit it, but if he doesn’t like me, how can I get him to?

Answer #1

well if he doesn’t talk to u then u talk to him. try and find all kinds of subjects that he might be intrested in. and why don’t u simply ask him what he thinks of u? i know it’s hard for some ppl but u should try looking him straight in the eye and ask him the question as if u were just wondering about it. that way even if the answer might be disapointing u won’t feel embarased. btw the fact that he was ignoring doesn’t mean necessarly that he likes u. if u were insisting on talking to him then he maybe is annoyed. leave some space but tell him that u want to be close cause u know each other since u were 3. he also might have another girl that he likes so if he does and u’re pushing him to like u, he might start hating u. so don’t. that’s aout all i can say. hope it helps. ask ur close friends for advice too.

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