How can I get the guy?

Ok so I have this amazing guy friend who rele likes me and I rele like him the only problem is its hard for me to be myself around him I need easy tips how to be a girlie girl but still have a pinch of dorkiness somewhere in there…I wanna be the girl who can make him laugh,smile,I want him to no im always here tho and that he can trust me…its so hard tho…I dont no what to wear how to act…im always asking girls at school about this kind of stuff but they dont no how to awnser because around them I am perfectly fine but I just get rele nervous around guys…Can somebody please help me out???

Answer #1

Being nervous around the person you like is completely normal. And you say that he likes you too, which means he likes you as you are right now. You shouldn’t have to change the way you are if he already likes you. You should just be as “yourself” as you can and let the confidence build up inside you. It’s like a muscle, the more you work it out the stronger it gets. :)

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