How can I get rid of spots and blackheads so people dont tease me?

Hi my name is stacey and I am 13 years of age.. I have problems with my skin, I cant seem to get rid of my spots and black heads. I no im heading towards the stage of puberty and all that crap. But no products seem to work and all the others are too exspencive. I tend to wear make-up at school (foundation,eyeliner and the ocassional mascara) and wont leave the house without it.. I even wear it to the corner shop. I just need help to get rid of them fast.. Thanks.. Stacey x

Answer #1

well I know you dont wanna hear this lol but your still growing. anywways- there is no miracle worker but something that helps me is take a cup and fill it with half water. then BOIL the water. make shure its hot. then put 3 drops of iodine (or at least rubbin alcohol) apply it in the boiled water take a cupid or cotton ball, dip it then put it on wereever. it will sting but keep rubbin on the area.

it helps open up pores and it relaxes theblackeah so it can be easy fer you to squeeze it out! you also can try.hmm like just google home recipes for blackhead removers! lol

but an amazing girl that can give great tips for clearer skin (acne, pimples including b.heads)

is: its worth watchin all of it! GOOD LUCK :)

Answer #2

use a tiny bit of honey and water on your finger tips and rub it over your face before you apply makeup.. it will help. I’ve never heard of the totmato but I’ve used strawberries =)

ps- beets make good cheek stain ;)

Answer #3

well I don’t know if you do this already but, blackheads are able to squeeze out.

Answer #4

try rubbing a tomatoe on your face the acids in it are said to help clean pores, try using face mask like freemans

Answer #5

peh159- they may be able to squeeze out but it isnt good to that. you just get even more oil and dirt on your face.

sparkle3579- try washing your face in the morning before putting on make-up and wash your face after taking it off. Also try Nuetrogena(I think) oil free foundatin with salycid acid. it helps with acne/pimples/blackheads because it gets rid of them and keeps you from getting them.

Answer #6

Thanks Is There Any Other Remadies That Could Help?

Answer #7

If you have bad acne as well use Black Soap. Best stuff I ever used. It’s cheap, all natural, and better than any other acne soap I’ve used. Also, it closes your pores. For black heads use the black head eraser, it really works.

Some hoe remedies you can do For even skin tone, it even helps get rid of freckles and such. A chick at my old high school use does it on a regular basis, she doesn’t where any make-up and her skin is flawless. Mix fresh avocado and honey(the better the honey, the better the mask)-you can also mix in milk if you like- and apply to your skin. Leave it on for 20 minuets then rinse off. Do it at least once a month. Another thing that will help is making an oatmeal mask. Make sure it’s plane oatmeal otherwise you may irritate the skin. Add in a little lemon juice and some milk. Let it sit on your face from 10-20 minuets(it varies on the person, you might want to try 20). It closes pores, and cleanses your face of the access oils.

Try using natural lotions. Another thing, stay away from scented lotions, they can irritate the skin. For my body I use natural lotions that I can pick up from the flea market, it is thick .For my face, and at times body when I get it on sale, I use Udder Cream. It’s $5 for a medium size bottle(reason being why I use it mostly for my face), it’s epic. It’s not thick like, it’s smooth and doesn’t clog my pores like the other ones do. Another thing, DON’T use body wash to clean your face. Instead use a facial scrubs(or black soap like me), or wait until you get out of the bathroom and wipe it down with those alcohol facial wipes.

If you’re into pale skin(I love it) you can make a natural skin bleach. Just cut up some lemon and let it sit in a glace of milk(in the fridge so it doesn’t sour) over night. Then mix it into a plane yogurt and apply to your face. Let it sit for 10-15 minuets then wash it off. (First to make sure you don’t have a reaction to apply it to a small area to where it wont be seen incase you do. IF you don’t, then try it on your face). Do it at least once a month as well.

Another thing, to help prevent wrinkles. Cut a lemon and rub the juice to your face. Sit out in the sun for 10-15 minuets then rinse it off. I wouldn’t suggest doing it anymore than once a month.

And remember, try to avoid the sun hitting your face for 1-2(one day at least) days after your facial mask. And where sun block so it doesn’t damage your skin(you don’t have to worry about applying sun block to your face if you where foundation).

Best of luck. Hope this helps 1_~

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