How can I get pregnant

My period is not regular. I dont receive my period until every 4 months. Its always been like this. My doctor says it is common…but I want to get pregnant but im not sure what to do if my preiod is not regular?? What are the ways?

Answer #1

keep praying, I too hard the same problem but my gynecologist gave me some pills,the help in regulating one’s period but am not sure of my chances of getting pregnant..

Answer #2

There seems to be something ironic when it comes to getting pregnant. In many cases, women who intentionally want to conceive have difficulty doing so, while women who don’t like getting pregnant easily get caught in the “predicament”. You might be one of those who think that now is finally the time to have a baby. You and your partner envision yourselves to be parents, and your house having kids running around soon. So you try all sorts of means to conceive. You become particular of your peak ovulation days, or you and your partner might have tried “conducive” positions when having sex. There just seems to be pressure on you. And that’s basically the point- you are pressured, and therefore are stressed. This is one of your blunders. When you and/or your partner are stressed when having sex, you reduce your chances of getting pregnant. The point is to enjoy and relax. Enjoy the moment of making love with your partner and you are more likely to get pregnant. Avoid stressing on which days you are ovulating and more fertile, or which positions would be good. Enjoying the pleasure of sex and relaxing will more likely allow a more favorable condition for conceiving. You also have to make sure that you are healthy. Certain conditions can prevent you from getting pregnant, or otherwise lessen your chances for it. Have your health checked and evaluated by the doctor. See if you are in good condition and are not beset by any illness or disease. Your partner ought to have a check up as well. If there be any condition which bothers you or your partner, then it better be addressed. That way, it will be all systems go to successful baby making. You and your partner will find that you are less stressed and having sex will be more fun. Eating well will also help. Certain foods will help increase your chances for conception. And of course, there are also foods that you have to avoid. For instance, you can try using olive oil when cooking rather than cooking oil. This will boost your chances of getting pregnant. There are foods which are good for a healthy pregnancy diet, and you can research on those. Then make a habit of consuming those foods. Include a healthy pregnancy diet into your health program. It’s a health measure which would greatly be helpful. Then exercise, which is beneficial in so many ways. Through regular exercise, you will be boosting your overall health. It means you will be fit and healthy, and your body will be in good condition- including for getting pregnant. Being physically active will enhance your body as a system. Your body will then function efficiently and its processes will work properly. It will respond better when you and your partner have sex and fertilization and conception can easily take place. It all goes down to ensuring that you are totally healthy. That is the foundation for your body to function the way it should. So by all means, strive to be at the peak of health. Getting pregnant is only the beginning of a journey in which there are more demands and rigors to contend with.

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