How can I get over my ex boyfriend?

Everything was going perfect until one night I get a IM from him saying we need to talk and not on the internet on the phone and I was like okay. I kinda knew what was coming. Well if you havent already guessed it yes he broke up with me and this was right before our 11th month anniversary too, the funny thing is he didnt really have a reason as to why he was doing it and it was also very random and came out of know were because two nights before he came over and we got along really good and he didnt act like anything was wrong he even said to me a couple of times that night I love you so much so I thought everything was going perfect I never in a million years would have guessed that he was going to break up with me. I still really really like him seeings how he took my virginity and everything. Every time I think about it, it makes me more and more upset please I just need some advice and encouragement on how to get over him.

Answer #1

hey.. i agree with angel in the fact that if u do wanna get over him then n e thing related to him things like piccys and numbers on fone, add from MSN ( rememeber he’ll still have ur add so when u come on, if he wanna talks he’ll say hi to u )..

Of course its easy said then done, and dont go round like tryna talk to other guys just to get over him, cos that’ll just blur things and well u might just wanna be with a another guy just for the sake of it.. hangin out with friends alot for a period of time is another way.. x

thats my advice hun.. hope it goes wel x

Answer #2

Every girl thinks that if they give it up to “the one”, they will never leave them. TIME is the biggest factor in getting over someone. No talking/seeing him anymore, remove his s/n from your buddylist, no asking anyone questions about him and what hes doing, etc. If he comes to your mind, quickly remove any thoughts with something happy!! When someone breaks up randomly, or has no excuse, they never really loved that person (because TRUE love NEVER ends)

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