How can I get my boyfriend to go a bit farther with me?

okaii. Me and my boyfriend have been going out for ages now and we love eachother soo much. But I would like to go farther now ‘cause we have only pulled eachother. Like how do I get him to finger me and so on. I really need help now ‘cause I don’t want to push him.

Answer #1

dont ask him cause you wont know for sure if hes comfortable with the idea. you dont have to push him into it just tease him into doing it or give him small hints that you want him too. like grab his hand and put it on your thigh and tell him to be bad or something. and if that doesnt work then just send him little notes saying you want him to or tell him…hope I helped a little.

Answer #2

Surprize him and get porn movies so he will get horrie and say it getting hot in here and sit in your bray and tong and then start feeling his tie and rub it up and down that should do it.

Answer #3

If use are comfortable with eachother, you should just ask him to finger you and see what he says but im sure if he does he will want something in return..

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