How can i get him to talk to me?

Hi my name is Tori.Im only 13.Im sorda in a difficult situation right now. see theres this guy named justin and i have really strong feelings for him. In 2004 we went out twice and i broke up with him for this other dude… but i didnt really know what i wanted then. IN 2005 me and justin dated again for 2 months and i just feel in love with him. Its like ive never felt this way about any guy before. In oct. he broke up with me and didnt ever tell me why. Since then ive just been really not myself. I mean there is some days im happy but i think about him then other days where im just not me. In Feb and March we started talking again b/c he texted me but we didnt go out.An then he just stopped talking to me again and i havent talked to him since. Ive tried texting him but he wont text back. I really miss him and i really wanna talk to him…can u tell me how i can maybe get him to talk to me? Thank You, Tori

Answer #1

Your only 13. Its not the end of the world. You need to get involved with other things to get your mind off of him! You cant make anyone talk to you. Hes an ex, and thats how it is! People change! Your young and you have your whole life ahead of you, so stop making yourself miserable over 1 guy!! Trust me>lots of guys will come in and out of your life! Youll be fine!

Answer #2

if you r 13, you should be hangin out wiv ur m8s. dont worry about this guy if it is ment to b then it will happen. you r still young nd have plenty of time for guys. spend ur time havin fun and enjoyin urself because this is just 1 guy, nd honestly if it does not happen it is not gunna b the end of the world coz u will get ova him. JUST HAVE FUN!!!!!

Answer #3

well, u can slip a note into his locker at skool saying that u really wanna talk to him about something! or if u dont wanna do that, just catch him at skool when he’s got no one else with him and that way u’ll get to talk to him and see wots going on :)

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