how can I get him back?

me and my boyfriend broke up recently and it was my fault because I fuked up he found out I kissed some guy like about 7 or 8 months ago and will he found out yesterday… he did the same thing too me like two years ago and I really don’t know what too do I realy love him we almost had 3years together I need some good advice please.. thanks to yall who took the time too read this…

Answer #1

sit the bugger down and say look we’ve been together for 3 years I love you love me yeh I fucked up but now were even lets start anew.

Answer #2

well first of all just because he did it doesnt make it right for you to do it. you should apoligize to him if you still like him and tell him how you feel about him im sure he’ll forgive you, remind him everyone makes mistakes and how it wont happen again

Answer #3

Sit him down and talk to him. Convince him it didn’t mean anything to you and that it won’t happen again. Tell him that if he truly loves you he will give you another chance as you gave him when he did it…

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