How can I get a job at 13?

I really need money and fast. Me and my friends want to go on holiday together but my mum said they can only come if they pay for themselves, but they aren’t the richest, so I said I wud put some money towards it if I could. Thing is I’m 13 years old, and im not allowed a paper round because of my local area being high rate for rape. Anyone got any good ideas, that are reasonable!!! Please, quickly thankyou x

Answer #1

well try going to your neighbors and ask if they need anything done for some money like such as; mowning lawn,house cleaning, babysitting, and more just be creative have a lemonade stand hahaha

Answer #2

Child labor law is very strict so you may not be able to get a job at 13. However, you can still try to get a work permit and work at McDonald’s or some other fast food restuarants. According to the government, anyone under 13 is allowed to: deliver newspaper, babysit, act/perform in movies/radio, work on a farm owned/operated by parents or business owned/operated by parents.

Tell your parents you’ll do the chores for cash.

Answer #3

Child labor law is very strict so you may not be able to get a job at 13. However, you can still try to get a work permit and work at McDonald’s or some other fast food restuarants. According to the government, anyone under 13 is allowed to: deliver newspaper, babysit, act/perform in movies/radio, work on a farm owned/operated by parents or business owned/operated by parents.

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